Serial Numbers
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Serial numbers are unique identifiers for specific products purchased by customers. For example, every customer who buys a 2017 Mercedes C200 sport car will receive a unique number that identifies their specific vehicle. It is crucial to handle and validate these serial numbers to ensure they are from genuine customers.
The serial number is a unique identifier for the product - for example, QWERTY-123456.
The SKU is the generic identifier for the product - e.g., an iPhone 8 might have the SKU APPIPHONE8-2.
The tags apply to the customer who registers with a specific serial number. For example, a customer who bought an iPhone 8 with the serial number QWERTY-123456 can be tagged as 'new, vip'. This is for convenience in customer management and requires enabling the setting for it to work.
There are actions available for each serial number entry. It is possible to update the serial number, SKU, and customer tags, as well as delete the entry.
New serial numbers can be added using a CSV file for bulk import. If there are only a handful of entries, it is easier and faster to enter them directly in the app admin, as shown at the bottom of the screenshot above.
If there are multiple serial numbers to upload, it is recommended to use the Upload CSV feature. The process is simple and requires a CSV file with the following format:
| serialNumber | sku | customerTags |
| SN12345678 | MERC | new,vip |
| SN12345678 | VOLVO | new |
The heading have to be the exact wording, only serialNumber is required -
serialNumber: Number or string - required
sku: Number or string - [optional]
customerTags: Number or string, multiple tags are separated by comma - [optional]
Once the serial numbers are imported into the app, you can validate the serial numbers entered by customers against the imported data. This feature is optional and requires enabling the setting in the admin panel.
To enable serial number validation, navigate to the Settings in the admin panel and turn on the serial number validation option. This ensures that customers can only register with valid serial numbers.
Additionally, you can enable customer tags in the settings. This feature allows tagging customers with specific tags based on the serial number they enter.