Registration detail

Here are, the registration detail, related registration and customer info

Registration data

Data associated with the registration and able to update them


The statuses of the registration

Customer data

View and update customer data associated with the registration

Shopify customer id

If the customer is logged in to Shopify at the frontend and then submit the form, then the app will associate the registration with that customer and allow the admin to see the customer's entries on the app in the Customer admin > More actions

Click the above will show all the entries for that customers on the app

Here you can put in a Shopify customer id, then do the association or change the associate whenever it's required by the admin

How to find the Shopify customer id

It can be found by going to customer's profile in the Shopify admin

Note: its not possible to have a popup box that you can search the customers and then select a customers, because Shopify doesn't provide that and it will require more information about customer's privacy, hence manually getting the customer id is needed

There are different types of related registrations/entries

Same serial number

The relationship is based on serial number e.g if two entries from different forms have the same serial number, then those two entries are related

Submitted from the same form

For forms that allow registered multiple products (each registered product count as one registration), and its related if its submitted from the same instance

Linked claim by user

Another way to related two entries are via user action - on the frontend, it will show customer’s registered entries when the customer logged in, whenever the customer click on the make a claim for the specific registration, it will open the claim form and marked the new claim with the specific registration

Last updated