Shopify admin links
Effortlessly integrate the Shopify admin with the app to check customer registrations and conveniently add serial numbers to orders.
Last updated
Effortlessly integrate the Shopify admin with the app to check customer registrations and conveniently add serial numbers to orders.
Last updated
The app provides a convenient link in the Shopify customer detail admin page, enabling quick access to registrations, claims, and warranties associated with a specific customer. Simply click the link to view all relevant entries for the selected customer.
By clicking the link, the app will display all registrations, claims, and warranties tied to the current customer, streamlining the process of managing customer data.
This feature provides an efficient way to add serial numbers to an order directly from the Shopify order detail admin page.
Once clicked, the app presents input fields for entering serial numbers for each line item in the order. After saving, the serial numbers are stored in the default form, creating an entry that allows searching by order ID or serial numbers in the Forms listing page.
If serial numbers are already associated with the order, they will be displayed, and users can access the corresponding entry for further details.