Enable the integration to send customer email and additional field details to Klaviyo.
Note: Klaviyo will send an email to the customer asking them to confirm their subscription. This is in addition to the registration confirmation email sent by the app after successful registration.
Finding the Private Key in Klaviyo
Log in to your Klaviyo account.
Navigate to Account.
Go to Settings.
Select API Keys.
Generate a new Private Key. Ensure it is a Custom Key with Full Access to Lists, Profiles, and Subscriptions.
Setting Up the App with the Private Key
Go to the Shopify Apps Admin.
Navigate to My Product Registration.
Go to Settings > Integrations.
Under Klaviyo Integration, enter the Private Key.
Scroll to the bottom and click Save Settings.
Next, go to the Form's Settings and select the Klaviyo list where you want the data to be sent.
Checkbox for Consent
Once the integration is set up, a new checkbox will be added to the form, asking customers for permission to send their data to third-party integrations.
You can customize the checkbox text in the app admin under Settings > Languages > Send Data To Third Party. Update the text to match your requirements.
Last updated