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A Product Registration can contain multiple product entries. To view, select the Form to open the list of entries.
An example of form submission entries is displayed below. You can filter the entries by product name, customer email, status, date range by using the filter menu at the top of the page.
You can view the Details page for a specific registration. This page includes additional fields associated with the product and detailed customer information.
You can change the status of a specific registration. When a customer completes registration, the status defaults to "Request." However, you can change it to other statuses such as "Confirmed" or "Processed" for internal bookkeeping.
You can delete a specific registration entry from the list. This action is irreversible, so please ensure you want to delete the entry before proceeding.
You can export the current registration table as a CSV file. The exported file will include additional fields associated with the product. You can also filter specific entries using the filter options in the table before exporting. To export, go to Forms > Select the form > Settings > Migrate/Import/Export > Export.